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Andor: all the Easter eggs in Luthen Rael’s collection

Star Wars Andor episode 4 contains plenty of Easter eggs to the wider franchise that you may have missed, so here's everything we found

Stellan Skarsgård as Luthen Rael in Star Wars: Andor

Here’s all the Easter eggs in Luthen Rael’s collection in Star Wars Andor. If you’re a fan of Star Wars, you’re probably watching the new TV series Andor on the streaming service Disney Plus. We hope you’ve been watching closely, because in Andor episode 4, there was an abundance of Easter eggs in Luthen Rael’s collection that link to various Star Wars characters and events from the science fiction movie franchise.

The new Star Wars series follows Cassian Andor, prior to the events leading to his death in the Star Wars movie Rogue one, as we see how the hero gets wrapped up in the Rebellion. Along the way, he meets a mysterious man named Luthen Rael (played by Stellan Skarsgård in the Andor cast) who plays a pivotal role in the fight against the Galactic Empire.

In episode 4, a brilliant Star Wars scene allows us to visit Luthen Rael’s Coruscant shop, which is filled with all sorts of luxurious trinkets and antiques. Among Luthen Rael’s collection are a whole host of nods to other storylines from a galaxy far, far away. So, let’s dive into the collection.

Mandalorian armour

One of the more obvious Easter eggs spotted in the episode is a nice, shiny piece of Mandalorian armour, standing proudly next to Luthen Rael as he chats to Mon Mothma.

Before we get too excited about how this Star Wars bounty hunter armour may tie into The Mandalorian season 3, it’s worth remembering that when you put Star Wars in order, the events of Andor are long before Mando and Baby Yoda show up.

Mon Mothma and Luthen Rael in Star Wars Andor episode 4


If you thought the Mandalorian armour was cool, you’re going to love this one. In the same scene, just behind Mon Mothma (Genevieve O’Reilly) is the full armour of Starkiller, from the Star Wars videogame The Force Unleashed.

For those who have played the game, you’ll know Starkiller was none other than Darth Vader‘s secret apprentice. Born the son of two Jedi Knights as Galen Marek, he was abducted by Vader and raised as a Sith. But, having been betrayed by Vader, Starkiller ultimately gave his life to help form the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

The Kalikori in Star Wars Rebels

The Kalikori

You’ll need to have watched the Star Wars Rebels animated series to appreciate this one. In the show, Hera Syndulla talks of an ancient family heirloom called the Kalikori, which is passed from generation to generation in the Twi’lek tradition.

In Andor, there is a version of this artefact on display just behind the Mandalorian armour, though it is not the same as Syndulla’s particular Kalikori.

A piece of the World Between Worlds door in Andor

The World Between Worlds

Fans of Star Wars Rebels are feasting here, as there is yet another Easter egg from the popular series in Luthen Rael’s shop. We’re not sure how he’s managed to get a hold of them, but the cosmic collector has what appears to be pieces of the door from the World Between Worlds.

Also known as Vergence Scatter, the World Between Worlds was a series of doors and pathways that existed within the Force connecting all reaches of space and time. Did someone way time travel movie?

Plo Koon from Star Wars

Plo Koon’s mask

Remember when Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side and helped execute Order 66? It’s a huge moment in Star Wars history, and one of the many Jedi to fall victim to that massacre was Plo Koon – a veritable Glup Shitto in Star Wars lore.

Eagle-eyed viewers may be able to spot the mask Plo Koon wears right next to Luthen Rael in episode 4 of Andor. It’s a pretty cool reference to the Star Wars prequels of the 2000s, until you realise that mask was likely plucked from Plo Koon’s dead body. Yikes!

Mon Mothma and Luthen Rael in Star Wars Andor

Wookie battle gear

Everyone loves the Wookies; they’re a race of brave warriors who are loyal to the end, and they make funny noises too, so it’s a win-win. They may look cuddly, but you don’t want to get on the wrong side of a Wookie, especially when they’re geared up for battle.

In Andor episode 4, there are actually two references to the Battle of Kashyyyk, as seen in the Star Wars Clone Wars sci-fi series. First, you have a helmet which looks a lot like the one belonging to Salporin, which is right next to Mon Mothma as she speaks to Luthen Rael. Then, you have the Kashyyyk Clarion, a type of horn used to summon the Wookie soldiers.

A Sith holocron from Star Wars Rebels

Jedi and Sith holocrons

Perhaps the most dangerous items in Luthen Rael’s little shop of galactic goodies are a set of Jedi and Sith holocrons. Put simply, holocrons are ways of storing information, but in the wrong hands, they can be incredibly powerful tools for good or evil.

The secrets of the Force can be unlocked with these artefacts, and we’ve seen them pop up many times in Star Wars Rebels. While a Jedi holocron can only be used by powerful Force-users, a Sith holocron is far easier to access. We hope Luthen Rael is careful when dusting these particular items! Although, if Luthen Rael has a lightsaber, which it appears he might, then maybe he knows to use the holocrons anyway.

Kleya and Luthen Rael in Andor

Padmé Amidala’s headdress

In Andor episode 10, we get another look around Luthen’s shop and we spot a very familiar looking headdress belonging to Star Wars royalty. That’s right, Padmé Amidala’s fancy accessory has been obtained by Luthen, somehow.

Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones’ whip

Yes, you are reading that right. The team behind Andor found a way to pay homage to Harrison Ford, one of the most famous members of the original Star Wars cast, while also recognising his work as adventure movie hero Indiana Jones.

Han Solo, as you will no doubt remember, gets encased in carbonite in the ‘80s movie The Empire Strikes Back. It’s one of the most iconic moments in all of Star Wars history, but in Luthen Rael’s shop, carbonite has this time been used to freeze Indy’s whip. So, there you have it, Indiana Jones is officially a part of the Star Wars canon.

That’s all the Easter eggs we spotted for now but we’re sure there’ll be more when the Andor season 2 release date swings by. Until then, why not check out our guide to Maarva, Dedra Meero, or Syril Karn. Or learn all about Luthen Rael’s ship. Or for more little treats, check out our list of the best Star Wars cameos you may have missed through the years.