The seemingly never-ending Transformers franchise is set to expand once again, as the upcoming robot movie Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will spark a new trilogy of Transformers movies. The iconic robots in disguise will return for the seventh movie in the series in the summer of 2023, and we can expect at least two more instalments after that.
As part of the Paramount investor event on February 15, 2022, the Transformers announcement was one of many updates provided by the production studio, including news of A Quiet Place 3, Star Trek 4, and the Halo TV series. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is scheduled for June 9, 2023 and that release date is still in place after yesterday’s event.
The Transformers franchise is one hell of a mixed bag, with the science fiction movies ranging from bad, to bizarre, to the brilliant Bumblebee. As with many of the Paramount announcements, details are fairly lacking at the moment, but let’s hope Transformers: Rise of the Beasts can breathe life into the stuttering series.
The upcoming movie wrapped filming in October 2021, and is set to introduce new Autobots and Decepticons to the already established Transformers universe. Rise of the Beasts will be directed by Creed 2’s Steven Caple Jr, marking his first outing in the series.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will be released theatrically in 2023 and is the first of three new installments. A new animated series from @Nickelodeon arrives this fall. And in 2024, the franchise expands further with a CG animated Transformers theatrical film. #ParamountPlus
— Paramount+ (@paramountplus) February 15, 2022
Alongside the news of the three Transformers movies currently on Paramount’s slate, it was also announced that a new Transformers animated series will arrive on the streaming service Paramount Plus in the fall of 2022. This series was first announced a year ago, but no further details have been shared until now.
And, if that wasn’t enough, a computer-generated Transformers animated movie will hit theatres in 2024. Whether we like it or not, it looks like we are going to be truly inundated with Transformers content in the next few years, so buckle up!