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Did Star Wars just secretly drop its first swear word?

Star Wars is designed to be as family-friendly as possible, but there's something hidden in The Mandalorian season 3 that sounds a little bit odd.

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The galaxy far, far away certainly has plenty of darkness in its midst, with the threat of the Sith and the best Star Wars villains always looming. But it has always been a haven of family-friendly fun. Well, until recently, at least.

Eagle-eyed viewers watching the newest season of Star Wars series The Mandalorian have noticed what sounds very much like a swear word lurking in the dialogue of one of the best Star Wars aliens. And it’s not a mild one; it’s the full Samuel L Jackson.

During some of the dialogue in The Mandalorian season 3 episode 7, it appeared that one of the Anzellans said something along the lines of “I’m out motherfucker,” after once again calling Baby Yoda and bad baby. More like ‘Swear Wars’, are we right?

This was spotted after a clip of the scene involving Baby Yoda and the Anzellan – who may or may not be Babu Frik – was shared from the Star Wars Twitter account. You can check it out below, and for a better listen, the line can be found in the new episode of the show at 14:44.

It could be that it just happened to sound a bit sweary to the right ears, or it could be a gag from a mischievous sound guy. Either way, it’s a step up in expletives from “Maclunkey”.

It’s worth noting that there was almost an F-bomb in another Star Wars series. Fiona Shaw’s character, Maarva, in Andor originally yelled “fuck the Empire” during her hologram funeral speech, only for it to be changed to “fight the Empire” in the finished cut. Maybe they’ll all be cursing like sailors when the Andor season 2 release date comes around.

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It’s worth noting that there was almost an F-bomb in another Star Wars series. Fiona Shaw’s character, Maarva, in Andor originally yelled “fuck the Empire” during her hologram funeral speech, only for it to be changed to “fight the Empire” in the finished cut. Maybe they’ll all be cursing like sailors when the Andor season 2 release date comes around.

We were left uttering a few expletives of our own this week as The Mandalorian delivered an outstanding episode, with big implications for some of the best Star Wars characters, including Bo-Katan, Paz Vizsla, and Moff Gideon.

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