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Is there a Blue Beetle post-credits scene?

We're back in the DC Universe for Blue Beetle, so you'll want to know whether you need to stay in your seat for a Blue Beetle post-credits scene or not.

Is there a Blue Beetle post-credit scene?

Is there a Blue Beetle post-credits scene? It’s fair to say that DC movies have been a mixed bag of late, but fans have high hopes that Blue Beetle will mark something different for the rapidly shifting canon of the studio’s superhero movies.

Blue Beetle isn’t the formal beginning of the new DC Universe led by James Gunn – we’ll have to wait until the Superman Legacy release date for that – but the Blue Beetle release date does introduce one of the best DC characters we’ll be seeing in years to come with Jaime Reyes (Xolo Maridueña), who gets superpowers from an alien scarab.

This is sure to be up there with the most exciting new movies to add to our list of the DC movies in order, but for now we’re here to talk about the very end. Is there a Blue Beetle post-credits scene, and is it worth sticking around to watch it?

Is there a Blue Beetle post-credits scene?

Yes! As we’ve come to expect from superhero movies, there are two Blue Beetle post-credits scenes. One is in the middle of the credits and the other comes at the very end. 

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James Gunn has confirmed that he considers Blue Beetle to be the first character in his new DCU, so it’s worth staying in your seat to learn about possible future stories. But we won’t be spoiling the extra scenes here.

If you’re now ready to head out and see the new movie, check out our guide on how to watch Blue Beetle and when it might show up on the best streaming services. You can also find out why Aquaman’s most powerful ability is too strong for the DCU.

Meanwhile, learn more about the best movies still to come in the DCU with our guide to Chapter 1 Gods and Monsters, as well as more detail on the Lanterns release date, the Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow release date, and The Brave and the Bold release date.