How many versions of Batman are in The Flash? He may have ironically taken his time, but The Flash has finally hit the big screen. However, Barry Allen isn’t alone in his latest outing. In fact, he has a collection of Gotham superheroes around to help him save the world. (Warning, spoilers ahead.)
The DCU has a long Batman movie history, complete with a lengthy number of Batman actors. And in the new DC movie, The Flash, Bruce Wayne’s cinematic past is fully on display thanks to some multiverse storytelling. If you’ve seen any of The Flash’s trailers, you’d know that both Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck are in The Flash cast. But did you know that they aren’t the only Batman actors in the new movie?
Below we break down every Batman appearance and answer the big question, “how many versions of Batman are in The Flash?” So buckle up and get ready for some major cameo action.
How many versions of Batman are in The Flash?
Get ready for a Gotham headache because there are four different Batmans in The Flash movie. That’s right, four! Fans will get to see Batman actors Ben Affleck, Michael Keaton, Adam West, and finally, George Clooney in the new action movie.
Now you may be wondering how in the DC world are four Batmans possible, so let’s break down how the caped crusader falls into the new timeline. At the movie’s start, the DCU is still in the same dimension as the 2017 film Justice League – meaning that Ben Affleck is Bruce Wayne. However, once Barry enters the Speed Force and time travels, an alternate timeline is created, one where Ben Affleck was never the masked vigilante.

Instead, Barry meets Michael Keaton’s Batman from the iconic Tim Burton movies. Keaton is the main Batman actor for most of The Flash, but thanks to some more time hiccups, he, too, is erased. During a scene where Barry’s time traveling is literally causing worlds to be destroyed, we see Adam West’s Batman pop up (a shoutout to the 1960s Batman TV series).
Adam West doesn’t stay long, though, as Barry saves the day and eventually returns to his original timeline. But wait! There’s another twist, folks. While you may assume that Barry’s efforts to fix things led to Affleck’s return, George Clooney is the new Batman in the DCU now.
During The Flash ending and post-credits scene, Clooney appears in front of Barry, not Affleck. Clooney famously played Bruce Wayne in 1997’s Batman & Robin (aka one of the best worst movies that you’ll ever see). So yeah, Clooney is the canon Batman, at least for now.
As we move into the new era of the DCU, under James Gunn’s Chapter 1 – Gods and Monsters release plan, a new Batman movie (titled, The Brave and the Bold) is on its way. That means a potential recasting could be on the table too. Exciting times!
While we wait to see who will be the new Batman, fans can look forward to Matt Reeves’ take on the hero with our guide on everything we know about The Batman 2. Or if you are still after The Flash content, you can read our The Flash review, and find out if Superman actor Christopher Reeve is in The Flash.