We have loved Star Wars, through the good and the bad, for over 45 years now. From the highs of The Empire Strikes Back and The Last Jedi, to the lows of The Rise of Skywalker and The Book of Boba Fett, there is a space in our hearts for every bit of the galaxy. But if they dare get rid of jizz from the cantinas of Tattooine, we riot.
While Star Wars may have produced some of the best science fiction movies of all time, it’s fair to say George Lucas and those around him have come up with some odd creative decisions over the years. When watching the Star Wars movies in order, you’ll find narrative plot holes, an over-reliance on CGI, and some bizarre little creatures that have somehow become some of the best Star Wars characters.
But, when the music plays in that first, iconic visit to the cantina in A New Hope and we are introduced to the frenetic tunes of Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes (yes, the band is really called that), history was made. Who would have thought that naming a style of intergalactic music ‘jizz’ would have repercussions to last decades.
Obviously, jizz now has a very different meaning that we won’t get into, but all these years later, the galaxy far, far away has stuck to its gun and clung on to its own definition. However, reports from the AV Club recently claimed that was all about to change.
Apparently, a short story collection titled From A Certain Point Of View: Return Of The Jedi, reveals how Max Rebo (an iconic Star Wars Glup Shitto) wound up playing music in Jabba the Hutt’s palace following on from his residency in the cantina on Tattooine. In an excerpt from this story, the music Rebo plays is referred to as “jatz,” with no mention of “jizz” whatsoever.
But if you are now worrying that future Star Wars series and the new Star Wars movies are going to retcon the existence of jizz altogether, fear not! You see, jatz has been a part of the world of Star Wars for quite some time, having popped up in a magazine in 1993. So, it seems both terms refer to different forms of music in the Star Wars timeline, though we assume both have a fairly similar vibe to them.
For now, at least, both jatz and jizz will live in harmony in the galaxy. Not even the best Star Wars villains can take the joys of jizz away from us, it seems. If you want to know more about the franchise, check out our guide to the Star Wars cast or learn about the Andor season 2 release date and The Acolyte release date. Or, for more blue aliens, here’s what we know about Avatar 3.