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Zack Snyder’s new movie Rebel Moon doesn’t even feature a rebel moon

Despite its name, no Rebel Moons can be found in Zack Snyder's upcoming science fiction movie for Netflix, which will release in December. We're still hopeful.

A still from Netflix movie Rebel Moon with sad face moon

Zack Snyder’s upcoming sci-fi movie, Rebel Moon, is one our most anticipated films of 2023. Rebel Moon started out as Zack Snyder‘s attempt to pitch a Star Wars movie, but his idea faced years of rejection. The Justice League filmmaker decided to take matters into his own hands and create Rebel Moon instead.

Now, the Rebel Moon release date is scheduled for December 22, 2023, and it’s one of the most exciting new movies set to debut on Netflix. Following the story of a group of rebels seeking to overthrow an evil galactic empire (see the Star Wars connection, yet?) we’re expecting it to be one of the best science fiction movies of the year as Snyder returns to filmmaking after a brief hiatus.

Based on the name of the flick, we were also expecting Rebel Moon to feature some kind of rebel moon (while not being entirely sure what that would look like). Turns out we were wrong. There are no rebel moons to be found in Rebel Moon.

Confused? Speaking to Empire magazine, Snyder cleared the whole thing up. “The Rebel Moon in not the moon that [the characters] are on. The title was conceptual.”

If you were desperate to see a rebel moon in action, we’re sorry. But not all hope is lost, with Snyder planning for the future. “There’s a planet named Vanna, and Vanna is the rebel moon. It’s not even in one shot of this movie!”

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While we might not be seeing Vanna when Rebel Moon releases, Netflix has already drawn up plans for sequels and spin-offs, so the chances of seeing Vanna at some point in the future, in some later installment, aren’t zero.

If Snyder’s new sci-fi franchise is as successful as is expected, there will be plenty more from Rebel Moon left to come, including a TV series and additional movies. We’re yet to see a full trailer for Snyder’s movie yet, but we’re still feeling confident that this could be one of the director’s best movies so far. At least, that’s what we hope. And Rebel Moons are built on hope.

For more from Snyder, check out more details on why his Star Wars pitch was rejected. Or, learn about what’s next for Superman with the Superman Legacy release date. You can also see our picks for the best action movies of all time, and the best thriller movies of all time.

If you loved Snyder’s DCU, see our guides to the DC movies in order (including the ZS Justice League), best DC characters, and best DC villains. You can also read our The Flash review, and see what’s new on Netflix this month.