There is a new Disney movie in town by the name of Strange World, and we’ve been speaking to the directors of the animated movie about what they would like to see happen in a sequel should they get the chance to continue their story.
Our Strange World review praises the “stunning and diverse” homage to classic science fiction movies and adventure movies, and we implore you to find a way to watch Strange World if you can, to see for yourself.
The story may not be over just yet, though. In an interview with The Digital Fix, the directors of the kids movie revealed, when it comes to ideas for a Strange World 2, they’ve got big plans.
We asked directors Don Hall and Qui Nguyen if they felt the journey was over for Ethan, the main cartoon character in the movie, or whether there was more ground to explore.
Hall said: “I’m not kidding when I say this, like, we literally just finished this movie. So we’ve really not had any time to put much of an effort into thinking beyond it. I will say that the world I think that we’ve created in Strange World is big enough to contain more stories and you know, we will see, but we love these characters.”
“Anytime you’re making these movies, especially your story team, they’re always playing fantasy football. [both laugh] Like, where are the other stories you know, within the worlds, so they’ve pitched crazy ideas,” Nguyen adds. Hall even reckons there could be scope for one character you may not expect, saying “Even Dupel, a pilot that gets you know, ripped out of the ship, The Venture, and is presumably dead. Now has a whole like horror movie take to him.”

Did someone say Disney zombie movie? The ideas are clearly flowing for the pair of directors, and doesn’t sound like it will end any time soon. Nguyen even admitted they come up with their “own fanfiction around movies all the time.”
If you’ve seen the film, check out our Strange World ending explained guide, or if you would rather watch it at home, here’s when Strange World will be on Disney Plus.