Jason Momoa has done it all – from being a Baywatch surfer dude, to Conan the Barbarian, to Game of Thrones character Khal Drogo, to a frontiersman, to Duncan Idaho, to Aquaman, and he’ll soon be a main movie villain in the latest of the Fast and Furious movies.
On Momoa’s Instagram account, he can often be seen partaking in dangerous extreme sports and outdoor adventurous pursuits in the wilds of Canada or in his native Hawaii. He’s a one-man action and adventure movie. But one thing you probably won’t be expecting to see him doing is feeding an Oreo cookie to a large adult bear… with his mouth.
One of Momoa’s many roles which required him to be a strong tribal warrior type is in the Apple TV show See, which is set in an apocalyptic future in which humanity has lost the sense of sight. And it turns out that one of the scenes in the first season involved a fight with a bear. When the first season premiered on November 1, 2019, Momoa shared the delightful, but scary video of him preparing for the scene on his Instagram.
It turns out that bears need to become comfortable with a human’s scent if they’re going to be close to them or interact with them in any way. And apparently a good (?) way to do this is to feed the bear a cookie…with your mouth. The bear in the video is so huge, it even manages to dwarf Momoa, who is something of a man mountain himself.
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Momoa’s caption reads; “The things we do for our ART. SEE is out. Please watch on Apple TV Plus. The bear needs to know your scent. So here’s my cookie kisses big guy. Love you tag. Aloha Baba Voss.” Baba Voss was Momoa’s lead character, up until the series concluded at the end of See season 3.
See has now come to an end, but we’ll be seeing (ahem) Momoa soon in Fast and Furious 1o, and in the long-awaited Aquaman 2.