How old is Ellie in The Last of Us? In the world of The Last of Us, humanity is facing extinction in part thanks to a deadly mutated fungus which is turning people into ravenous monsters with a hankering for human flesh.
Despite this quite unsettling fact, babies are still being born, including one of our favourite The Last of Us characters, Ellie (Bella Ramsey). Unfortunately, Ellie, unlike Joel (Pedro Pascal), has never known a world without the infected, and her entire life has basically revolved around The Fireflies and FEDRA.
But how old is Ellie exactly? How long has she spent living in the wasteland of what was America? Well, don’t worry. There’s an easy answer to this question.
How old is Ellie in The Last of Us?
Ellie is 14 years old during the events of The Last of Us. There’s a slight difference, though, between the timeline of the TV series timeline and the game timeline.
In the TV series, the pandemic began in 2003, and the events of The Last of Us happened two decades later, in 2023. That means Ellie was born back in 2009, six years into the pandemic.
In the game, meanwhile, cordyceps started to spread in 2013, and the events of The Last of Us happened in 2033. That means Ellie was born in 2019.
If you want to know what we thought of the show, check out our The Last of Us TV series review. We’ve also got an article breaking down The Last of Us cast, as well as individual guides on Tess, Clickers, as well as Bill and Frank.