Netflix‘s new documentary series on Arnold Schwarzenegger, titled Arnold, is a three-part deep dive into the iconic actor from some of what we think are the best action movies. In it, Terminator‘s Linda Hamilton shared her first reactions from when she met her co-star.
Arnold, which premiered on June 7, 2023, shortly after Schwarzenegger’s FUBAR Netflix series released, spotlighted James Cameron‘s beloved robot movies, and Hamilton remembered that her initial impression of him came from a “snotty” place.
Admitting that things actually worked out for the better with Arnie around, Hamilton opened up about how her opinion of him evolved as they began shooting what went on to be named one of the best science-fiction movies ever by fans.
In ‘Part 2: Actor’ she said “By our snotty definition, Arnold was a poser, a bodybuilder pretending to be an actor. But because I was curious, I went and stood off the sidelines watching Arnold, and I bought it.”
Watching her co-star work, Hamilton then found an appreciation for what he brought to the production, “The physicality and the stiffness, and all of the things that he was implementing. I was like, ‘OK, this might work.’”
Hamilton and Schwarzenegger would go on to do two more Terminator movies together and be an asset to each other, so all’s well that ends well. And, to be honest, the three best movies from the series star them both. You can watch Arnold on Netflix right now if you wish.
We’ve got more to look forward to when it comes to Arnie on Netflix with the FUBAR season 2 release date. Otherwise, visit the past or future with the Terminator movies in order, the best Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, and all the new movies coming in 2024.