In the aftermath of the sequel trilogy, Star Wars is once again trying to find its feet. Though three new Star Wars movies are on the horizon, the sprawling science fiction/fantasy franchise is currently focused mostly on TV series for streaming service Disney Plus with the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Andor, Ahsoka, and Boba Fett.
What we’ve seen so far from these Star Wars series is a huge range in quality, but one thing that has been very consistent is a focus on bringing back old Star Wars characters. Even The Mandalorian has now turned to Star Wars fan favorite Bo-Katan as a central character.
However, one actor who has not been asked to reprise their role in any way is Natalie Portman. Portman starred in the prequel trilogy as Padmé Amidala, the mother of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, and reflected on her past time (and potential future) with Star Wars in an interview with GQ.
When discussing whether she’d be open to a return, Portman said she would. However, the actor also revealed she has never been asked. “I have no information on this,” she said. “No one’s ever asked me to return. But, I’m open to it.”
Perhaps the most obvious reason why Portman hasn’t been asked to come back for any new Star Wars project is that it’s hard to see how her character would fit into any new story because she died at the end of Revenge of the Sith.
A Star Wars movie or series could, in theory, explore her time as a young senator but trying to create a new story in the prequel era without disrupting established canon would be tricky, to say the least. Still, with Portman’s willingness to come back, you can never say never.
For more on Star Wars, check out our coverage of Star Wars celebration 2023, or learn about the Andor season 2 release date and Ahsoka release date. You can also check out our Star Wars Visions Volume 2 review and interview with director Magdalena Osinska for more from the galaxy far, far away. To keep up with cinema here’s all the new movies coming in 2023 and our picks for the best movies of all time.