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Jamie Lee Curtis campaigning for One Piece character in Netflix series

Jamie Lee Curtis is still chomping at the bit to play Doctor Kureha in One Piece on Netflix, and she cannot wait for the strike to end, so she can campaign.

Doctor Kureha in One Piece and Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis has been open for some time about being an anime fan, thanks to her daughter Ruby. And she’s specifically a fan of certain anime series that you may have heard of called One Piece. So much so, that the now Oscar-winning actress has been campaigning hard for some time to play a character in Netflix’s live-action adaptation.

Jamie Lee Curtis‘ daughter Ruby Guest has spoken since at least 2021 about wanting her mother to play Doctor Kureha in the live-action version of one of the best anime series. In March 2022, Curtis expressed her enthusiasm for the idea on the Oscars red carpet; “You know there’s that wizened old crone lady? Maybe I can be Kureha, she wears those really low bell-bottoms, she’s looking a little nasty, she has long straggly grey hair. Ruby said that that would be what I would play.”

Now that the first season of One Piece on Netflix has been a hit, and a second season has been confirmed, Curtis wants to ensure that no one forgets about her desire to play the character.

Curtis recently posted on Instagram; “Once the strike against the greed of the AMTPT is settled with a fair contract, I will lobby along with the growing fan frenzy to become Doctor Kureha in One Piece on Netflix!” Curtis has also said that Tony Tony Chopper is one of her favorite One Piece characters, and Doctor Kureha is his mentor and adopted mother.

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Kureha is an ally to the Straw Hat Pirates during the Drum Island arc, which our One Piece expert Emma-Jane Betts believes is one of the arcs that season 2 needs and should be included. Fans want Jamie Lee Curtis as Kureha, and it’s obvious that Curtis is sitting by her phone waiting for the call up to One Piece season 2. It seems like a no-brainer.

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