Wait, The Marvels was supposed to be a disaster waiting to happen, wasn’t it? Well, the latest entry in the MCU is here, and we’re happy to report that fans are having a lot of fun with Nia DaCosta’s epic action-comedy flick.
The buzz around the MCU may not be quite as enthusiastic as it once was, but you can’t deny that upcoming Marvel movies are still something to look forward to. Well, The Marvels is finally here after a few delays, and it sounds like the Phase 5 movie was worth the wait after all.
In our interview with The Marvels producer, Mary Livanos, the new movie is described as an “event movie,” and it appears Marvel fans are thoroughly enjoying the big event.
Tessa Smith Tweeted her delight after watching the film, claiming the “team up of three powerful ladies is something special,” and the critic’s excitement for the “future of Marvel” is now higher than it’s been in a long time.
Collider’s Ross Bonamie says The Marvels is “short, sweet, and a hell of a lot of fun,” and there’s more praise for the central trio of Marvel characters, too. Indeed, seeing Captain Marvel, Kamala Khan, and Monica Rambeau together on screen is clearly a highlight for those who have seen the film, but Jake’s Cinema Room claims it is Iman Vellani who steals the show as Ms Marvel in her big screen debut.
Steve Weintraub insists The Marvels may not be one of the best movies in the MCU, but it’s “a blast” and put a smile on his face. Meanwhile, Darryl Mansel describes Nia DaCosta’s effort as a “delight,” and while he does warn that it is “by no means a perfect movie,” he suggests everyone heads out to see it.
With all the noise surrounding The Marvels and its supposed production issues, it’s a really pleasant surprise to hear everyone being so nice about the film. Frankly, I don’t think we should have expected an absolute game-changer, so for this to be an entertaining superhero movie with heart and humor should be enough.

That said, The Marvels may end up having huge ramifications for the future of the MCU in Phase 6 and beyond. Let’s just say if the rumors are to be believed The Marvels has a post-credit scene that you are not going to want to miss if you’re planning to continue watching all the Marvel movies in order.
So, plenty of praise for The Marvels cast, a rip-roaring fun time at the theater, and big foundations being laid for the MCU’s expansion plans. If you want more from this epic cinematic universe, check out our list of the best Marvel villains, or dive into the world of the Marvel series. Or, if you’re ready to move on already, you can start thinking about Deadpool 3.