The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s tiniest hero, Ant-Man, is gearing up for his big return – in what star Evangeline Lilly dubbed as “the best” movie in the series yet – Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania. Lilly, who plays Hope van Dyne in the upcoming action movie, revealed to us in an interview how the film was the “hardest” as well as the most impressive entry in the series she has worked on so far.
While promoting the new thriller movie South of Heaven, Lilly told The Digital Fix how Ant-Man and the Wasp’s production was challenging due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but ultimately worth all the blood sweat and tears. “We finished filming at the end of November, and I think, hands down, it was the hardest one we’ve made. It was the most difficult. It was the only one we’ve made during the Covid lockdowns,” the star explained. “That just adds such an incredible complication to making a movie. It adds a lot of stress. It makes things very impersonal because you can’t see faces.”
“Film sets are already impersonal enough, there is so much that goes on and so much that has to get done in a short amount of time, and the intensity level is really, really high. So it was a very trying experience doing the film with Covid measures,” Lilly continued. “But I actually think…what we did, the stuff we shot, the material we managed to get, I think it might be the best one yet.”
Unfortunately, Lilly couldn’t reveal anything else about the plot of the upcoming Marvel movie. Similarly, she couldn’t provide a comment on whether we will get to see her character meet Bill Murray’s recently announced mystery villain in the film. However, we know that the upcoming science fiction movie will see Lilly’s Hope join up with Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) to explore the Quantum realm once again – the mysterious microscopic dimension.
Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), his wife Janet van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer), and Scott Lang’s daughter Cassie (Kathyrn Newton) will also make an appearance in a battle against the MCU’s biggest threat since Thanos, Kang the Conqueror (Jonathan Majors).
We are excited to see if Lilly’s words about the new entry in Marvel’s Phase 4 being “the best one yet” are true. Stay tuned for updates. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania will hit theatres on July 28, 2023. You can also check Lilly out in the South of Heaven which hits UK theatres on January 24.