Halloween Ends, the final instalment in David Gordon Green’s trilogy of the iconic Halloween horror movie franchise, has confirmed a returning star. According to Variety, Kyle Richards will be reprising her role as Lindsey Wallace for the upcoming movie.
Richards, an original cast member in John Carpenter’s 1978 film, was last seen running from the masked serial killer Michael Myers in Halloween Kills – the second film in Green’s reboot of Carpenter’s franchise following Halloween 2018. Being one of the few survivors at the end of Halloween Kills and garnering favourable reactions from fans following her performance, it was expected that she would return for Green’s final film, and now we have a solid confirmation.
Richards has officially closed the casting deal for Halloween Ends, which will head into production next month. When asked about her thoughts on her casting, Richards kept plot details about the upcoming film under wraps but said she hopes for more scenes with Jamie Lee Curtis – who plays Laurie Strode in the series and Lindsey’s babysitter in the 1978 film.
“The last movie, I saw Jamie on the set, but we didn’t have stuff together. So I’m really hoping that there is more stuff together,” Richards explained. “I can’t talk about any storylines, but all I can say is that we start filming in January, and I’m so excited to return with Jamie Lee Curtis and David Gordon Green.”
Jason Blum, the founder of Blumhouse productions, has commented that he is “thrilled” to see Richards return for Halloween Ends. “We are thrilled that Kyle will be reprising her role in Halloween Ends,” Blum said. “The return of iconic characters in Halloween Kills was really important to David Gordon Green, and he took great pains to bring back the original actors when he could.”
Although Halloween Kills received mixed reviews, currently holding 41% on Rotten Tomatoes, it grossed over $131 million at the worldwide box office, making it one of 2021’s highest-earning horror movies after a Quiet Place Part 2. Only time will tell if Halloween Ends can keep Green’s box office success record on track.
We are still waiting on more cast announcements for Halloween Ends to filter in following this Kyle Richards news. Stay tuned for updates. Halloween Ends is scheduled to hit theatres come October 14, 2022.
Here is our guide to the best horror movies of 2021.