When the Sonic the Hedgehog design was criticised by fans, the team behind the video game movie made changes. But for the divisive new MCU character MODOK, the Marvel movie team are doubling down – and we’re here for it.
MODOK is played by Corey Stoll in Ant-Man 3 – read our Ant-Man 3 review to find out what we thought of the MCU movie – and has been at the centre of a great deal of controversy surrounding the CGI bringing the character to life.
In terms of the potential future for the Marvel villain, Ant-Man 3 writer Jeff Loveness doesn’t seem worried about the criticism and would love to push MODOK further in a new movie.
Loveness, who will also write Avengers 5, told Vital Thrills that creating this version of MODOK was a high point of his Marvel involvement.
He said: “The dumb comedy guy in me, man, I cannot believe that I got to do MODOK in that way. I got to do a comedic, fun, stupid version of MODOK and even if it divides people or whatever, I will go to the mat for MODOK. I will bleed out for MODOK.”
The writer made it clear that MODOK is one of his favourite characters and that a possible future variant of the death-loving head could continue to wreak havoc.
Loveness said: “If I say yes, I promise you he will be even stupider. I refuse to listen to the fans on this. I will not make MODOK serious. As long as I’m alive, they’re not gonna get that serious adaptation that those four fans want. He’ll be a big dumb head. That’s all. I’m a big comics guy, I’m sure you are, too. We’re on the internet. People got opinions. Those motherf***ers are wrong.
“I’m sorry, you want to do a serious take on MODOK? I played that Avengers game on PS5, good luck. I’ll take all the punches that they want, critiques, whatever, but MODOK? No, no, no, no. I’m very happy with what we did.”
Well, Loveness has made his opinions clear. To find out more about Ant-Man 3, check out our guide to everyone who dies in Ant-Man 3, the Ant-Man 3 post-credits scenes, and the best Ant-Man characters.