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M Night Shyamalan’s new movie Knock at the Cabin starts filming

Famed director, M Night Shyamalan, has revealed via Twitter that his new movie - Knock at the Cabin - has now officially begun filming

M Night Shyamalan's new movie Knock at the Cabin starts filming

Acclaimed filmmaker M Night Shyamalan is officially back behind the camera for his next big thriller movie. Taking to social media, the director revealed that production is now fully underway as filming has begun for his upcoming – and very secretive – flick, Knock at the Cabin.

Since announcing that Knock at the Cabin would release in February 2023, plot details and any of its expected twists and turns as a Shyamalan movie have been under lock and key. However, despite the undisclosed story of Knock at the Cabin, it seems like Shyamalan isn’t leaving fans completely out in the cold. Posting a picture of himself holding a clapboard, the director shared the big production update with his Twitter followers. Along with the M. Night Shyamalan selfie, the filmmaker attached the following caption: “First day. First shot. Fifteenth feature! Knock at the Cabin.”

As we said above, not much is known about the film, but considering it is from the mind behind the hit ghost movie, The Sixth Sense, and the alien movie Signs – it is safe to say that it will be an unexpected experience, to say the least.

You can see M Night Shyamalan’s original Tweet below:


Along with Shyamalan helming the project, several A-listers are on board to star in Knock at the Cabin. Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge, Rupert Grint, and Nikki Amuka-Bird are all confirmed to appear in the upcoming drama movie, with Dave Bautista reportedly starring in the leading role.

Although Shyamalan’s last movie, Old, was divisive among critics, only holding 50% on Rotten Tomatoes, we are hopeful that Knock at the Cabin will exceed expectations and be a return to form seen in his earlier work. Stay tuned for updates.

If you are a fan of M. Night Shyamalan, here is our guide to the best horror movies of all time.