Keanu Reeves is one of the titans of the modern action movie world, as the star of the John Wick and Matrix franchises, but even he thinks John Wick 4 might blow everything else out of the water.
The John Wick 4 release date is on the horizon later this year, and Reeves has been teasing the eye-popping stunts and inventive bullet-based choreography fans can expect from the new movie.
John Wick 4 will pit Reeves’ title character against the underworld ruling group The High Table, represented this time around by Bill Skarsgård as new movie villain The Marquis de Gramont.
In a video for IGN, Reeves introduced some of the stunts on the way in the thriller movie including a car chase sequence built around the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
As he concludes the video, Reeves chuckles and asks “have we gone too far?”, which suggests things must be getting pretty gnarly. He adds that “we’re smashing people, hitting people, it’s just amazing,” because he enjoys rather different things to us mere mortals.
During the clip, which references gun-fu, car-fu and just about every other type of -fu imaginable, Reeves seems giddy with his excitement at stunts that “ask just a little bit more, and you see the effort and the commitment from your team.”
Stunt coordinator Scott Rogers goes into more detail about the scene around the Arc de Triomphe, revealing: “We tore all the doors and lost the windshield. You’re gonna do a reverse 180 and you gotta shoot a gun, and you gotta reload. He actually started getting too good in the car.”
John Wick 4 is set to bring back all of the key members of the cast, including Laurence Fishburne, Ian McShane and Lance Reddick, though it’s fair to say they might not all make it to the end this time. Not with all of those -fus around.
While you wait for John Wick 4, take a look at our guide to who trained John Wick and find out about The Continental release date as the spin-off TV series gets ready to launch.