Evil Dead Rise director Lee Cronin is not ruling out the possibility of a Bruce Campbell return to the franchise for new movies, but it all comes down to one thing that could make it or break it, he says.
We’d say Rise was a return to form for the franchise, but honestly, did it ever really lose it? Considering we’ve been through a trilogy, a remake, and a reboot, one of the best horror movies‘ legacy is holding up extraordinarily well decades after Sam Raimi‘s ingenuity revved up the original.
The latest director to helm an Evil Dead nightmare is part of that legacy now, as we say in our approving Evil Dead Review and Lee Cronin interview (which is mostly about cheesegraters).
And as for Campbell returning to the movies as the goofy yet endearing Ash, Cronin told ScreenRant: “When you’ve got a man as robust as Bruce Campbell, and he has created as an iconic hero as Ash, there’s no pushing him around. So, I think if Ash ever resurfaces, that’s going to be down to Bruce more than anybody else.”

He continues: “I’m sure there are lots of people in his ear all the time and, again, I can’t speak for him, but it’s always possible in the movie world for something unexpected to happen.”
Campbell has made some appearances recently in the likes of videogames as Ash, but no real live-action return yet after the TV series Ash vs. Evil Dead was canceled. The actor has been clear in recent years he feels it’s time to retire the character, mostly due to the physical demands of filming Evil Dead movies. Instead, he’s voiced an interest in lending his vocal talents to an animated series Raimi has in development.
Stephen King doesn’t want the horror movie legend to retire just yet, but Stephen King saved the Evil Dead franchise back in the day, so of course he doesn’t.
To see what the future might hold, our Evil Dead Rise 2 release date guide has that information. For more, check out the Necronomicon explained or the best movies of all time.