Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, the next instalment in the continuing adventures of Goku and the Z-Fighters, has got a brand new trailer. The short teaser for the upcoming anime movie promises the return of one of Goku’s most pernicious foes, the dastardly Red Ribbon Army.
Judging by the trailer, it seems like the evil army – who’ve previously conspired to take over the world, built evil androids, and tried to gather the Dragon Balls to make their leader taller – are behind the animated movie’s new bad guys, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2. During the teaser, we see Gamma 2 attacking Picollo and Goku and Pan fighting unseen foes.
Tantalisingly it appears that fan favourite Gohan will also be getting a chance to stretch his old fighting muscles, literally. We see Goku’s powerful son back in his old purple gi (the one he wore during the Cell Games), and he appears to be going toe to toe with Gamma 1, transforming into a Super Saiyan to battle the self-declared Red Rocket superhero.
Alongside the trailer, Toei Animation shared the first synopsis for the movie. “Dragon Ball Super: Broly was a mega-hit with worldwide box office revenue of 13.5 billion yen,” the company wrote. “Four years later, in 2022, a new movie in the Dragon Ball Super series has finally arrived with an even greater ‘awakening’!”
“The Red Ribbon Army, an evil organisation that was once destroyed by Goku in the past,” it continued. “[It] has been succeeded by a group of people who have created new and mightiest Androids ever, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2.”
#DragonBallSuperSuperHero NEW Red Ribbon Army's HQ
Also, there's the cast and staff list, and a description of the movie. pic.twitter.com/nPQwv6sjTO
— SUPER クロニクル (@DBSChronicles) December 18, 2021
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero was announced on May 9, 2021, with the title being revealed at Comic-Con 2021. Super Hero is the first film in the franchise to eschew traditional 2D animation in favour of mainly 3D animation.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero blasts into Japanese theatres on April 22, 2022. Unfortunately, there’s no UK or US release date listed at the moment. If you want to catch up on Goku and the gang’s adventures, check out our guide on where to stream Dragon Ball.