Jodie Whittaker’s time in Doctor Who is drawing to a close, and she’s been reflecting on her time in the sci-fi series. In a recent interview with Pilot TV, she named her favourite episode from her in the TARDIS.
Surprisingly, it’s the Thirteenth Doctor’s first full outing that takes the crown for her, because of how exciting it was. “I think mine is ‘The Woman Who Fell To Earth’, just because it was my very first episode,” she explains. “I transitioned into a different costume – that we’d created – and we firmly cemented this team. Everything about that time lived up to every expectation that had been built up over a lot of months for me. It lived up to all of it and I really enjoyed filming that.”
Though it’s perhaps an obvious choice, there was a lot of buzz around ‘The Woman Who Fell To Earth’. It had a new Doctor, and finally, it’s not another cisgender, white man. New companions, among them the ever joyful Bradley Walsh! Anticipation was high, and it’s nice to hear it was the same while filming as well.
The BBC announced Whittaker’s exit from the TV series back in August. She and showrunner Chris Chibnall are leaving after a trilogy of specials, which kicked off with the New Year’s Day episode, ‘Eve of the Daleks’.

Next, they have ‘Legend of the Sea Devils’, a teaser for which you can watch above, coming sometime in the first half of this year. The finale is due later in 2022, written by Chibnall and directed by Jamie Magnus Stone.
Whittaker’s last season was Doctor Who: Flux, a six-episode arc from late 2021. This involved the Weeping Angels, the Division, and some existence-threatening catastrophe, because of course. Russell T Davies, the man who oversaw the reboot of Doctor Who in 2005, is returning as showrunner for the next Doctor. His episodes will kick off for the 60th anniversary in 2023.
We’ll keep you updated on when you can watch the next Doctor Who special – check out the best time travel movies for more timey-wimey misadventures.