Despite the lack of Jeff Bridges, the new movie Tron 3 is starting to put together an extremely exciting cast. The first Tron movie released in 1982, before a belated sequel came out in 2010.
Now over a decade later, Tron 3 (titled Tron: Ares) is set to begin production and is due to release in late-2025, making the movie series a trilogy. The first two are among the best science fiction movies ever made, so the return to the grid is going to come with high expectations and lots of anticipation.
Thankfully, things are looking hopeful for Tron 3 because it’s assembling a pretty kick-ass cast, and announcements continue to come through.
Earlier in the week, reports confirmed that Evan Peters, known for this role as Quicksilver in the X-Men movies and much more, has joined in a main role. Alongside him are Jared Leto (who is capable of a great performance, as well as a bad one) and Greta Lee. Now, Variety has confirmed that Jodie Turner-Smith will star too, as a main character.
Turner-Smith has appeared in some of the best movies of recent years, including After Yang and Queen and Slim. She is due to lead the new Star Wars series The Acolyte, and so will soon become a household name.
Specific plot details for Tron 3 are still being kept under strict lock and key. But, we do know that the movie will follow a sentient program who breaks into the human world, after the previous two movies have been about humans who do the opposite. Leto will star as the sentient program, named Ares, and will likely be the movie’s villain.
Hopefully, his role is closer to Blade Runner 2049 than Morbius.
For more on humans vs machines, check out our guide to watching the Terminator movies in order. It’s more confusing than you might think. Or, you can keep up to date with what’s new on Netflix, and our picks for the best thriller movies of all time. You can also find out about the upcoming Dune 2 release date.