Tom Hardy‘s drama series Taboo first debuted on BBC One over six years ago. Hardy created the show with his father, Chips Hardy, and Steven Knight who also wrote for the TV series. With Ridley Scott serving as a producer, the eight-part series had quite the backing.
Knight’s high society miniseries Great Expectations airs on the March 26, meaning his schedule is about to clear up. And it looks like he’s going to need that extra time because after a long wait for news about Taboo, there’s finally an update to share.
Executive producers Dean Baker and Kate Crowe, who worked on Taboo and Great Expectations, told Radio Times “Currently we are working on a second season of Taboo and hopefully we will get to explore more Dickens with Steve, Ridley and Tom.”
These comments follow an update from Knight, who in 2022 said [via Broadcast] “I imagine that it will start production towards the end of next year. [Tom and I] are both keen to continue and there are lots of people who want us to continue in that direction. It’s been a question of schedules and deciding where it goes next.”
Fans will be glad to hear that production is indeed moving forward past the hypothetical stage.
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