Mark Hamill has tweeted Mark Hamill, and caused quite a stir. The Star Wars actor was challenged to tweet Mark Hamill in order to receive thousand of likes, an experiment that’s paid off for Mark Hamill.
The challenge: “You could just tweet ‘Mark Hamill’ and you’d get thousands of likes.” The Hollywood star, first name Mark, last name Hamill, decided to test this hypothesis by quote-tweeting with the words “Mark Hamill”, and thousands of likes did indeed follow. But not just that, many around Twitter decided to join in, tweeting “Mark Hamill”, including their personal references to the Batman and Arrowverse actor.
Sometimes this meant artwork featuring one of the many characters Mark Hamill has portrayed, other posts had personal appearances. Some explored the anthropology of a name like Mark Hamill – defined both the terms ‘Mark’ and ‘Hamill’. The occasional tweet ditched Hamill’s original and went their own way in posting Mark Hamill for their followers, testing whether or not you needed that first tweet for it to work. Results point to yes – tweet Mark Hamill accordingly.
The ‘Mark Hamill’ trend has resulted in a rare moment of unified joy for the platform. A moment where we can all breathe and just enjoy the fact that we share internet space with Mark Hamill, the man who can tweet his own name and set off social media dominoes.
Mark Hamill
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) September 5, 2021
mark: a badge, brand, or other visible sign assumed or imposed.
hamill: the last name of Mark Hamill.
— (@Dictionarycom) September 5, 2021
Mark Hamill
— Muppet History (@HistoryMuppet) September 5, 2021
You can find Mark Hamill in the finale of The Mandalorian season 2, on streaming service Disney Plus. No word on Mark Hamill’s next science fiction movie, but we’ll keep tweeting his name just in case.