Star Trek is on the up and up with Paramount Plus reviving its multi-generational fanbase and centring some of its best TV series around the legacy of the science-fiction franchise.
One of the best Star Trek characters is Patrick Stewart’s Picard. And with his spin-off series coming to a close, which you can read all about in our Picard season 3 episode 10 recap, the X-Men actor has been reflecting on his early days in Star Trek.
Stewart had good reasons to say yes to one of the best Star Trek series, The Next Generation.
“I was advised by people who knew our industry very well that there was little chance that this show, whether I did it or not, was going to be a success,” Stewart remembered during Deadline’s Contenders Television panel. “You cannot revive an iconic show like Star Trek, you can’t do it. You’ll be lucky to make it halfway through the season.” But Stewart saw potential in going to California to “get a sun tan and meet some girls.”
“Based on what I was being advised, that I was not going to complete the first season, I said yes. it’s the smartest thing, except for marrying my American wife, that I have ever made.”

For more, read our guides on the Star Trek Picard season 3 ending explained, Enterprise-G explained, and the Star Trek Legacy release date.