Normally when people think about the little red puppet Elmo, they think he is innocent, cute, and naïve. This year though, Elmo’s been revealed to have something of a vindictive streak and gone viral for all the wrong reasons.
Several clips of the Sesame Street star viciously berating his co-star Rocco have hit Twitter, shocking Elmo fans the world over. OK, this is a slight exaggeration, Elmo’s not really attacked anyone (he’s an adorable little Muppet, he’s not capable of such wickedness), but clips of the little felt monster arguing with Rocco – a literal rock – have been taking the Internet by storm.
It’s gotten to the point where real-life celebrities like Dwayne Johnson have stepped in to try and defuse the tension. That said, we’re not sure The Rock’s plan of coming to Sesame Street to “kick ass” will fix anything, but who knows? Of course, it’s possible you’ve missed all this drama, not everyone lives on social media after all, and you might be a little baffled as to why Elmo and Rocco are at loggerheads. Well, don’t worry, we’ll explain everything.
Elmo and Rocco Feud explained
The origins of Elmo’s feud with Rocco began in 1999 when the rock was first introduced to Sesame Street during season 30. The pet rock of Elmo’s best friend Zoe, it’s safe to say the pair got off to a rocky start (pun unintended). You see, Elmo doesn’t really believe that Rocco is alive, believing instead that the rock is, well, just that, a rock.
Zoe meanwhile, believes that Rocco is capable of doing anything he puts his mind to. This infuriated Elmo who expressed his annoyance with Zoe and Rocco several times over the intervening years. In 2010 however, their relationship changed forever when Elmo lost Rocco. Zoe was of course distraught at losing her best friend and Elmo came to understand how much the rock meant to her. Eventually, Elmo managed to find Rocco and reunited him with Zoe.
How to get to Sesame Street: Best TV series
While Elmo and Rocco weren’t exactly bosom buddies, Elmo was more respectful of Rocco after this traumatic event; even attending the rock’s wedding in 2014. Since then Elmo has occasionally sniped at Rocco on Twitter but the feud appears to have died down.
That said according to the Sesame Street wiki Rocco hasn’t appeared on the TV series since 2014, maybe there’s some internal politics afoot that keeps the pair apart? The character did appear in some promo for the 50th anniversary of the popular kids show but he’s not been seen since – or maybe the wiki isn’t up to date who knows?
Why have Elmo and Rocco gone viral?
Outside of the world of Sesame Street, Elmo and Rocco’s feud has gone viral because of TikTok and social media. Users have been sharing a 2004 clip during which Elmo expresses confusion over how Rocco can eat a cookie when he is just a rock.
there are tears in my eyes y’all my stomach hurting
— cheye (dr.booty) (@wumbooty) January 4, 2022
People have branded this Elmo’s most “savage” moment and been sharing it far and wide on social media. So far the video’s been viewed more than 8 million times on Twitter and it’s led to a whole raft of Elmo related memes.
my contribution to the elmo memes
— Braddington (@bradwhipple) January 7, 2022
Elmo vs Rocko the greatest rivalry of all time
— Funny Tweets (@MemePortfolio) January 5, 2022
Bruh Elmo beefing with this fuckin rock is the meme of January 2022 already
— KJ/ Willem Dafoenem (@StorytellerKJ) January 5, 2022
Elmo has actually responded to the memes and the video in question reassuring his fans on Twitter that he’s still friends with Zoe even though they appear to argue. “Don’t worry everybody! Elmo and Zoe practised sharing and are still best buds forever,” he explained. “Elmo loves you Zoe! Ha ha ha!”
Elmo is so happy to see you! Best kids movies
The muppet did then however appear to take a stab at his old enemy, adding: “Elmo doesn’t want to talk about Rocco.” He later reopened the wound by asking his followers: “Has anybody ever seen a rock eat a cookie? Elmo is just curious.” It was this particular tweet that brought Dwayne Johnson into the argument who seemed to take Rocco’s side. I guess rocks stick together?
Anyway, that’s all we have for now on the ongoing Sesame street spat. If Rocco responds we’ll be sure to let you know.