After only two seasons, the comedy series The White Lotus has proven popular. The anthology drama series, about a line of exotic resorts and the patrons that use them, has been acclaimed for strong writing and great performances. Stars are lining up to be involved, including someone from the horror movie Scream 6.
“I want to do it so bad, I want to do it, like Tom Cruise-jumping-on-Oprah’s-couch bad,” Hayden Panettiere told E! News. Panettiere plays Kirby Reed in the slasher movies, a character from Scream 4 who’s just come back to Ghostface‘s franchise.
After doing two instalments, anyone would need a break from all the murder, and The White Lotus could be the perfect TV series. Especially since, as Panettiere states, you get to be around Jennifer Coolidge.
“She is my favourite, I love her,” she says of Coolidge. “I will be her anything – bag holder, shoe shiner. I will be her guardian angel, I will be her long-lost child. I will be whatever she wants me to be.”
Big words, hopefully, they manifest into a role in The White Lotus season 3, or perhaps season 4, because it’s like the Mike White satire might run for quite a while. We’re still scant on details about where the next location will be, but it’s sure to provide more laughs in the sun.
In any case, if Jennifer Coolidge wants some assistance, she knows where to look. Check out our guide to the best Apple TV shows, best Disney Plus shows, and best Netflix series for more televisual highlights.