Naruto, the classic anime series, and its original characters have served as inspiration for many animes and spin-offs that came along after it. Naruto is a well-known name among even those with no anime knowledge, and for good reason.
On that topic… Boruto’s newest anime villain, Code, who is the current antagonist of the story did something in episode 291 of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations that rang a bell.
Facing down Boruto and Kawaki, Code proved himself to be much stronger than the characters he’s battling and shared the secret as to why.
The anime character — with the coolest name ever — explained his Karma power, the genetic memories of the Otsutsuki clan which can be transferred into a host body. With Karma, said host can access the powers and techniques of the Otsutski, as well as their recollections of battle experience.
Sound familiar? This power is not unlike the trick Naruto used with his Shadow clone Technique where the user could create duplicates of themselves. Using this trick, Naruto could distract or overwhelm opponents, but he also learned that whatever the duplicates learn can be absorbed by the user.
We could certainly use a few of those duplicates, to do laundry, mostly. But, sadly, Naruto is a fantasy series.
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