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Thor 4 had an ABBA dance scene that was cut and we’re devastated

We knew Taika Waititi would bring the fun to Thor: Love and Thunder, but we're distraught to learn that an ABBA dance scene has been cut from the MCU movie

Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder

It’s clear that Taika Waititi has injected his brilliant brand of fun into the MCU since he first directed an MCU movie with Thor Ragnarok, and that looks to continue as we approach the Thor: Love and Thunder release date. One thing we won’t be getting in the next instalment of Thor’s journey though, is an ABBA dance scene, which has regrettably been cut.

Waititi helmed the last outing for the MCU character, which acted as the first real comedy movie in the MCU timeline. The filmmaker and star Chris Hemsworth clearly have a great understanding of one another’s style, and they’re able to play to their strengths and add a bit of a unique flavour to the comic book movie world. Early signs suggest the next Thor movie will be just as weird and wonderful as the last.

Sadly, we know the upcoming Chris Hemsworth movie has at least one deleted scene that we would have loved to have seen, and it involves the music of Swedish pop band Abba.

In an interview with film critic Kevin McCarthy, Hemsworth was asked if we will ever see a Thor dance scene, and the Aussie actor confirmed we very nearly got just that in the new Phase 4 movie.

“There was, to an ABBA song… but it didn’t make the movie for a few reasons. But we need to release it at some point, don’t worry,” Hemsworth teased. “It’s a full dance scene. It’s a full dance-off shooting lightning out his finger tips and so on.”


We know another member of the Thor cast who loves a dance-off, don’t we? Perhaps we will see who is the better Chris once and for all, as Star-Lord and the God of Thunder potentially face off to decide who is the ultimate dancing queen.