Spider-Man: No Way Home saw the return of several beloved members of Sam Raimi’s action movie franchise, from Tobey Maguire’s take on the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man to Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin amid a vast slew of classic Spider-Man villains like Doc Ock and Sandman. But someone was notably missing.
Mary-Jane Watson, who was played in Sam Raimi’s trilogy by Kirsten Dunst, was an integral part of Maguire’s character, so when she was confirmed to be alive and still with the OG Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man, naturally, the next question for many fans was whether she’d be making an appearance in the future.
Now that the multiverse has been opened, the MCU can, in theory, pull in anyone they want to — and with Maguire being rumoured to be one of several cameos in the forthcoming fantasy movie Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, it makes sense for Peter to show up with his MJ this time around, at least. The good news is that Kisten Dunst, in an interview with Backstage, suggested that she’d definitely be up for a return in the future.
“You know I’d join that multiverse! I feel like I’m the only one that hasn’t joined it,” she said. “I’m like, ‘Please put me in. Put me in the lineup.’ I need to pay for my house and kids.”
Well, at least she’s honest. The idea of a potential MJ return isn’t the only thing Spidey fans are hoping for. Since Andrew Garfield returned as Spider-Man in Far From Home, fans have been campaigning for Peter #3 to get his own solo movie after The Amazing Spider-Man 3 got scrapped by Sony years before.
Spider-Man: No Way Home is now available to purchase on digital from streaming services Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV Plus.