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How many episodes of Secret Invasion are there?

If you're wondering how many episodes of Secret Invasion are there, we've done some investigating of our own on the Disney Plus series and have the answer.

Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury in Secret Invasion

How many episodes of Secret Invasion will there be? Much like Skrull agents, the Secret Invasion release date has suddenly crept up on us. Where does the time go?

The latest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Disney Plus shows will pull from the comic book story of the same name, which was a massive mystery event that saw Avengers and government officials replaced by shape-shifting Skrulls.

Clearly, this Samuel L. Jackson-led series is taking a slightly different approach, so here is the answer to how many episodes of Secret Invasion will there be.

How many episodes of Secret Invasion are there?

Secret Invasion is confirmed to have six episodes, which will stream weekly on Disney Plus.

On the shorter side, Disney Plus‘ spy-thriller will have a six-episode run. Naturally, the mystery will be drawn out with a weekly drop strategy after the Secret Invasion release date.

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