The Game of Thrones finale may have turned many fans off, but if the excitement about the House of the Dragon season 2 release date is anything to go by, Game of Thrones is well and truly back in business.
Often called one of the best TV series ever made by fans of its bloodshed and brutality, the fantasy series’ conclusion has left many wondering which of the best Game of Thrones characters might get their own spin-off.
As Kit Harington’s Jon Snow has found out, though, the journey to creating a follow-up to what critics say is one of the best fantasy series of all time is easier said than done.

“We’re just working deeply with the writers to get it in shape for potential greenlight,” HBO Drama Chief Francesca Orsi told Deadline about the Jon Snow series that has been thrown around for years now.
“But at this point, no, no determination on whether it can go all the way,” she said. So, it looks like it’s not a sure thing, even with House of the Dragon managing to pull us back into the fold with its fantastic character work and top-tier GOT players.
For more political chess and bestie breakups in one of the best drama series, check out our guides to is Rhaenyra related to Jon Snow and how is Daemon Targaryen related to Jon Snow (other than being outshined by the volatile blondes in their lives).