The Lion King is one of Disney’s most beloved animated movies. Its enduring popularity was proven once again in 2019 after it became the latest classical Disney movie to get the “live-action” treatment. While the new adaptation of the family movie, which included photorealistic animals, got mixed reviews, it proved to be a box office hit, making $1 billion worldwide.
So, it was no surprise when, in September 2020, it was announced that The Lion King would be getting a live-action prequel. The film is set to explore the relationship between a younger Scar and Mufasa (voiced by Kelvin Harrison Jr. and Aaron Pierre, respectively). Jeff Nathanson is writing the script while Barry Jenkins – who directed the Oscar-winning drama movie Moonlight – is directing the CGI-animated film. He’s taking over from MCU actor Jon Favreau who directed the 2019 movie.
Although not a lot is currently known about the upcoming film’s plot, Jenkins teased fans with some new details about what to expect during a red carpet appearance at the Independent Spirit Awards on March 6, 2022.
“I grew up with this characters, they mean so much to me,” he said in an interview with Variety.
“I think the work that Jeff Nathanson, the writer, did and going back into really helping children and anyone who ever loved this property understand what it takes. Kings aren’t just born, they aren’t just made. They have to become who they are through a series of events that a lot of people can relate to. So, in that standpoint, it fits very well with everything else I’ve done. So I feel no pressure, I just want to do a good job.”
You can watch both versions of The Lion King on streaming service Disney Plus.