In his new comedy movie Murder Mystery 2, Adam Sandler was punched in the face by his co-star Mark Strong. Murder Mystery 2 is the sequel to the Netflix movie released back in 2019, which was about – you guessed it – a mysterious murder.
The new movie in the series, which features returning stars Jennifer Anniston and Adam Sandler as the central couple, will be much the same. However, this time it will be set in Paris and have a fresh supporting cast including the likes of Mark Strong and Jodie Turner-Smith.
One of those co-stars, Mark Strong, isn’t necessarily in Sandler’s good books however, because he accidentally punched Sandler in the face while filming an action sequence.
In a video recorded for BBC’s The One Show, Sandler spoke on the accident, saying, “We’re not gonna talk about Mark punching me in the face that time. Accidentally, Mark punched me in the face. You remember that Mark?”
Strong then gave his own explanation for what happened. “The [action sequences] go on for ages. You’re doing one movement for ages and I had to literally hold [Sandler’s] shoulder and punch him but keep a [small distance] away from him because of where the camera was. And one time I caught him.”
As an actor, these accidents tend to happen – especially when a movie involved fight sequences. Audiences watching Murder Mystery 2, which is set for release onto streaming service Netflix on March 31, will be watching keenly to see if they can spot the scene where the accident occurred.
After Murder Mystery 2, Sandler will be starring in a new movie from the Safdie brothers after working with them on the crime thriller movie Uncut Gems.
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