Halle Berry has been talking to Vanity Fair about her career, leading up to her making her directorial debut recently with Netflix’s Bruised. In the video, she discusses her X-Men character Storm and that she would love to revisit the part.
Berry says; “More than anything I loved the family that we created there. With Patrick, Ian, Famke and James. And Hugh, who’s one of the nicest humans I think I’ve ever met in my whole life. We really formed a bond and we were a little family for about a decade.” This sounds comparable to how The Avengers actors speak of their experience over the last decade of the MCU.
Berry continues; “And what I have missed is I’ve missed seeing them. I’ve missed my friends in that way. I loved to dip and out of Storm and the character, I loved her evolution as well.”
Berry would have liked to have explored Storm and Wolverine’s connection more; “There were moments when we were shooting when I realised that Storm and Wolverine really had an affair, that’s in the comic books. There was a moment when Hugh Jackman and I got to play with that in our last movie together. I remember thinking – ‘wouldn’t this be an interesting turn of events?’ If we all of a sudden went into the Storm and Wolverine story and we really unpacked what their connection was and what their relationship was.”
Berry states; “I would absolutely return to it. It’s a beloved character. I loved playing Storm and people love Storm. So I would absolutely, if we could find a version that would make sense or a storyline that would make sense, I would absolutely do that, for sure.”
It looks like Sony characters such as Venom, Deadpool and the X-Men are being enveloped into the now Disney-owned MCU, so Berry returning as Storm is not beyond the realms of possibility. Especially when you consider the MCU’s current penchant for time travel and multiverses.
Later in the video, Halle Berry discusses collecting the Razzie for Catwoman in person (where she delivered an emotional speech) and doing her own stunts in John Wick 3. She then used the same training team for Bruised, in which she stars as a MMA fighter.
Bruised is now available on Netflix.