The Offer, a new Paramount Plus limited series about the making of The Godfather, has a teaser trailer. The show will debut on April 28. The Offer stars Matthew Goode as Robert Evans and Dan Fogler as Francis Ford Coppola, but it centres around a less well-known producer – Albert S Ruddy (Miles Teller).
As 2022 is the 50th Anniversary of the release of The Godfather, there are several projects in the pipeline that deal with the making of the gangster epic. Francis and The Godfather will star Oscar Isaac as Francis Ford Coppola and Jake Gyllenhaal as Robert Evans. It will be directed by Barry Levinson.
The Offer also stars Ted Lasso‘s Juno Temple, Colin Hanks, and Giovanni Ribisi as the magnificently-named Joe Colombo. Near the start of the trailer Fogler as Coppola can be heard saying; “I know how to make this film. It’s a metaphor for the American Dream.” And other voices can be heard saying; “This is not just some gangster film. This is a story about family. It’s Shakespeare. It’s epic.”
Later, someone says that Frank Sinatra wants to shut the picture down. Sinatra will be played by Frank John Hughes. The trailer ends with Coppola saying; “What is our opening line? I believe in America.”
You can watch the trailer here;
Robert Evans was a notorious film producer whose professional and personal life had extreme highs and lows. His memoir, The Kid Stays in the Picture, is one of the most famous showbiz memoirs of all time and was turned into a documentary in 2002.
The Godfather won Best Picture at the Oscars and is still considered one of the best drama movies ever. It would go on to spawn what is widely-regarded as the best sequel of all time, The Godfather: Part II, which also won Best Picture.
If you’re looking forward to The Offer, you might be interested in our guide to the best movies based on a true story.