The new season of Star Wars‘ anthology animated series packs astonishing animation, joy, and its best episodes make Sith terrifying again, as we explored in our Star Wars Visions Volume 2 review.
One of the best Disney Plus shows set in the Star Wars universe in our eyes, Visions brings stories from across the galaxy to your screen utilising unique styles of animation, and creativity is let loose to a degree not often seen in other Star Wars series.
Once you’ve figured out how to watch Star Wars Visions, keep your eyes peeled for a Darth Vader reference one of the episode’s directors clued us into.
In Magdalena Osinska’s interview with The Digital Fix, the director of the episode ‘I Am Your Mother’ told us, “I really wanted to make sure that there were lots of Star Wars references so fans felt like ‘OK, we are watching a Star Wars film,’ but not necessarily with the Empire and lightsabers.”
“So it was a good limitation to try and tell a Star Wars story without the obvious… although there is a little nod to the Empire because the villains have the Darth Vader helmet hairstyle.”
You can watch the new Volume on Disney Plus right now, so get tucked in if you haven’t already.
For more dark vs light, read all about the Andor season 2 release date and the best Star Wars characters. Or find out what new movies are coming in 2023 as well as our picks for the best movies of all time.