Kristen Stewart’s Spencer is getting a lot of awards buzz, but she could care less. In a recent interview with Variety, when asked about the drama movie‘s Academy Award possibilities, she flatly says she doesn’t “give a shit”.
She expanded on her answer, to say that the Academy only honours a sliver of the great movies that come out and that she’s in it to make art that connects people. “The Oscars are such a funny thing. There are so many incredible movies and performances that barely get seen,” she explains. “It definitely says something about where we’re at as a cumulative presence – what we’re looking at, what we care about. I really appreciate that something that I was involved in, has ignited such a large conversation. We don’t make movies to not connect with each other.”
It’s unsurprising that Spencer has caused such a stir. Stewart herself is great in it, and the subject matter – Princess Diana’s exit from the royal family in the early ’90s – has its fair share of controversies and split opinions.
Pablo Larraín directed the movie based on a true story, from a script by Steven Knight. The awards discussion carries from strongly positive critical consensus, which our Emma-Jane Betts contributed to with in her review, linked above, calling Spencer “an in-depth look into Diana’s mind during a certain period of her life.”

As Stewart’s made the rounds supporting the film, her interviews have touched on a variety of subjects beyond Diana and awards seasons. She might be getting Guy Fieri to officiate her wedding, and she’s spoken on Robert Pattinson’s laissez faire attitude toward Twilight.
Spencer is in theatres now, and you can check out the best movies of all time for more critically-acclaimed features.