Chris Evans, the star of Pixar‘s latest animated movie Lightyear, has come forward to defend the film after it was banned in the United Arab Emirates and other countries due to a certain scene in the flick that showed a kiss between two female characters.
Lightyear is a Pixar movie that shows the life of Buzz Lightyear (voiced by Evans) – the Toy Story character who would later inspire the space ranger action figure that Andy adds to his collection in the iconic franchise. It is a high-flying adventure, and a fun family movie. However, due to a depiction of a same-sex couple, it will not be shown in the UAE, as it has been deemed by the Ministry of Youth and Culture’s Media Regulatory Office as a “violation of the country’s media content standards”.
Disney also hasn’t received permission to show the film in an additional 13 Middle Eastern and Asian countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Indonesia. Speaking with Reuters TV, Evans called Lightyear’s critics “idiots”, and revealed that he thinks the decision made to not show the film due to the kiss between a loving couple is the mark of those terrified, but also unable to stop change.
“The real truth is those people are idiots,” Evans explained. “Every time there’s been social advancement as we wake up, the American story, the human story, is one of constant social awakening and growth, and that’s what makes us good.”
“There’s always going to be people who are afraid and unaware and trying to hold on to what was before. But those people die off like dinosaurs,” he continued. “I think the goal is to pay them no mind, march forward and embrace the growth that makes us human.”
Lightyear blasts its way into cinemas on June 17, 2022. For more animated fun, here is our list of the best Disney movies of all time.