Now starring in new movie Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves, Hugh Grant has starred in many films over the years. He made a name for himself thanks to classic rom-coms and romance movies like Notting Hill, Bridget Jones’ Diary, Love Actually, and Four Weddings and a Funeral.
Even if it feels like you can’t watch a ‘90s movie without Grant popping up one way or another, not every film he starred in was a success. Amid his illustrious film career, the actor admitted in a new interview that there was one role, in particular, he looks back on with embarrassment.
“As you know, as someone in the industry, it’s one thing for me to say that I was bad, but I can’t bring down the rest of the wonderful colleagues who worked with me on any film by saying it was bad, so that’s my dilemma,” he explained in an interview with NME. However, he later settled on one particular ‘80s movie as the one that made him want to “shred” his CV.
“The Lady And The Highwayman,” he said. “Mid-’80s, film made for television. I’m a highwayman, I’m meant to be sexy, low-budget, bad wig, bad hat. I look like Deputy Dawg. When I’m tense, my voice goes up two octaves so Deputy Dawg would come leaping out of trees when a carriage went past and go, ‘Stand and deliver!’ And, it’s poor.”
If you want to torture yourself with more cringe-inducing flicks, check out our guide to some of the worst movies ever made. Alternatively, you might want a palate cleanse, in which case our guide to the best movies of all time might be a better choice for you.