There’s a Netflix movie based on the shooting game Gears of War coming, and Dave Bautista. The famed MCU star has posted a personally pitch video for a role in the nascent action movie, making his desires expressly clear.
In the clip, posted on Twitter, Bautista comes upon a costume from Gears of War, declares “This is my kinda shit”, then suits up, lights and all. He ends by saying, “It’s about fucking time”, and puts on some shades. It’s an awesome little video, making Bautista’s intentions clear for any casting director’s that might be looking. He captions the post, “I can’t make this any easier” as well, just to remove any kind of subtlety.
Many fans are behind the actor, who’s wanted to be involved in a Gears of War project for years. He’s often been the subject for fancasting as Marcus Fenix, one of the primary protagonists of in the games. So far, nothing’s been confirmed, but Bautista has the look and acting chops, that’s for sure.
Earlier this year, Dylan Clark, producer on The Batman and the long-gestating Gear of Wars adaptation, told us something was happening. “It’s something it’s been a passion of mine for a very long time. I think very soon there will be an announcement,” he said.
He wasn’t kidding! That it’s at Netflix is surprising, though. Gears of War’s rights were bought by New Line Cinema in 2007, before moving to Universal, where they sat for some years as producers and filmmakers were attached at different stages.

Nothing ever came together, until now. Bautista already made a claim for the property when he appeared in Gears of War 5 as both a playable character, and in special trailer for the game, the first part of which is included in his new campaign. You could say he’s keen!
We don’t know any more about the Gears of War movie, but we’ll keep informed when we hear more. Have a look at our guide to Marvel’s Phase 5 to see what Bautista’s MCU character Drax is getting up to.