Director duo Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah have revealed that their next venture, the upcoming DCEU Batgirl action movie, will look towards another filmmaker for inspiration. Taking to social media, the pair, whose previous credits include Bad Boys for Life and several episodes of Disney Plus’s MCU series Ms Marvel, shared how hit director Edgar Wright’s style may lead the way on Barbara Gordon’s next outing.
Posting a picture of himself and Fallah standing with the Scott Pilgrim vs The World filmmaker on Instagram, el Arbi shared how the two met Wright by chance after while editing for their DC comics film Batgirl. According to the social media post, el Arbi shared how the two were already contemplating putting more “Edgar Wright-shit in the cuts” like they did for Disney’s Ms Marvel.
But, after bumping into Wright himself, the duo stated to their followers how the meeting was a “sign” – hinting that their talks of more Edgar Wright-style editing will now probably become a reality as they move forward with finalising Batgirl’s final cut.
Batgirl follows the adventures of Barbara Gordon, played by Leslie Grace, as she takes on the role of Gotham’s newest protector. Joining Leslie in the upcoming thriller movie is JK Simmons as her father Commissioner Gordon, Michael Keaton returning as Batman, and Brendan Fraser as the villain Garfield Lynns.
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Previously, the directors have said how their live-action Batgirl movie will also be heavily influenced by Batman: The Animated Series. With this in mind, Edgar Wright’s style of editing, especially his work seen in his 2010 movie Scott Pilgrim, makes sense.
The filmmaker often uses graphic novel aesthetics, and exaggerated cinematography in his work, which seems right up Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah’s street.
Initially, Batgirl was supposed to be released directly onto HBO Max in 2022. However, according to The Direct, a report from Warner Bros suggests that a “2023 theatrical release” may be on its way. Stay tuned for updates.