Charlie Hunnam lived and breathed the thriller series Sons of Anarchy for seven seasons. The Pacific Rim actor led the TV series, starring as biker, grifter, and killer Jax Teller.
When the show came to its natural conclusion, there were lots of memories, cast members, and locations to say goodbye to, especially for Hunnam who had been there from the get-go.
Hunnam knew this all too well. So well, in fact, he had to sneak onto the set to get through all of it.
When it came to bidding adieu to the troubled Jax, Hunnam needed some alone time, telling Glamour “it was actually quite emotional for me, living and loving that guy for eight years, to have to finally put him to bed.”
“I found myself going back to set a lot. I knew the security guards and for a couple of days said, ‘Oh, I forgot something’, so they’d let me onto the set, and I’d just walk around at night because I wanted to be in that environment and go through a personal process of saying goodbye. After a couple of nights, I didn’t really need the alibi to get in, and then after a while, I just said, ‘OK, enough, this is done.’”
Jax was a complicated fellow, to put it lightly, so it makes sense Hunnam would have to shake him off after all those years in his shoes.
For more biker drama, check out the Mayans MC season 5 release date, see our best drama series list, or find out about the new movies coming soon.