Best known for comedy series Glee, Ryan Murphy shocked the world when he dropped season 1 of American Horror Story back in 2011. Murder House, which was later revisited in season 8 of the TV series, focussed on the Harmon family, who move to a mysterious mansion in LA in search of a new life.
However, they soon learn the mansion is haunted by the spirits of former residents and the people they killed. As well as focussing on the Harmon family, the series was also notable for its performances by Jessica Lange and Evan Peters, the latter of whom built a strong career off the back of the horror series.
So, given it was the story that started it all, it should come as no surprise that Murder House’s pilot is Murphy’s favourite overall American Horror Story episode. The drama series creator explained why in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.
“[It’s] the first, and always number one in my heart, for several reasons,” he explained. “From rough idea to day one of filming took four years. It was a huge risk at the time, creatively and financially. Dana Walden has said to me several times it was one of the most out-of-the-box ideas in the history of modern television, and I think she’s right.”
He continued, “That first season sort of reinvented the anthological storytelling space that I loved as a kid and has ushered in a whole new way of making television (creatively and economically), and I’m very proud of that.”
To see where the series goes next, check out our guide to the American Horror Story season 12 release date. Or, to continue the murderous theme, check out our guides to the best ghost movies and best horror movies.