The continuation of the X-Men animated series, X-Men ’97, will reportedly come to Disney Plus around mid-2023. The release date of the highly anticipated cartoon was teased by the original X-Men animated series writers Eric and Julia Lewald during an interview with Justin Underwood on his YouTube channel.
The pair also confirmed that the revival series would pick up exactly where the original left off. “I believe they’re looking at ten episodes for the first season that’s going to come out mid-next year,” Eric Lewald explained. “They’re starting it soon after ours ended… ‘Where is [Professor Xavier] and what are we going to do with him?'”
Eric was also keen to make clear that this new TV series, while a continuation that respects the original cartoon, was still its own thing, and the creative team behind it wanted to put their own stamp on Marvel’s most famous mutants. “They want it to be an extension. Whoever it is doing this new show is going to make it their own,” he said. “No matter who is involved.”
“There is great love and affection and respect from an entire group of people that are doing this show,” He explained. “Starting at the top with Beau DeMayo, who’s the showrunner.”
Eric finished by saying that X-Men ’97 is being made by “real superfans, really respectful superfans of the show”, adding they’re going to take the show to new and exciting places.
We've missed you, too. See you in 2023 with all-new episodes. 🥲 #XMen97 #DisneyPlusDay
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) November 12, 2021
X-Men ’97 was announced on Disney Plus Day 2021 alongside a whole host of new Disney Plus shows. It had already been confirmed that the original voice cast was reprising their roles – except for Alyson Court, who played Jubilee in the ’90s series.
Court will be part of the cast, but she has reportedly asked that an Asian American voice the character. While we wait for our first look at the new cartoon, why not check out our list ranking the X-Men characters.