It’s not unusual these days for characters from different franchises to appear in the same movie. Take Professor X from the X-Men movies, he tipped up in the MCU, and it was considered such a pedestrian moment they put it in the trailer.
But it turns out this practice has been going on for longer than we thought. Yes, two of the biggest and best ’90s movies had a crossover, and nobody even realised. You see, the T-1000 from the Terminator movies actually makes a secret appearance in the Jurassic Park movies.
Don’t kick yourself for missing this one, though. You’d have to have worked on the film to notice it. Steve Williams, a computer graphics expert who worked at ILM, is the one who revealed the T-1000’s appearance in the adventure movie. While being interviewed for the Disney Plus TV series Light and Magic, Williams admits that the CGI model of Donald Gennaro – the Jurassic Park lawyer – was, in fact, the T-1000 repurposed for the Steven Spielberg movie.
“The last thing I animated was the rex chasing Jeff Goldblum by that time. It took me five, six days to animate that shot,” Williams explained. “The guy who gets it off the toilet seat the T-1000 with shorts on, that’s the actual data. I just repurposed the data.”
So, unfortunately, Robert Patrick didn’t get the call to come in, join the Jurassic Park cast, and battle the t-rex, but honestly, Universal and Paramount, you should team up for that action movie. Patrick might even be interested. Patrick told The Digital Fix in a recent interview he was interested in returning to The Terminator franchise.

“I would never say never to anything,” Patrick said. “I would wonder how I would approach it now. I’ve got almost 170 [credits] now. There’s a lot of work, and I’ve grown as an actor now.”
“Obviously, the downside of a 40-year career is that physically I’m not the same specimen I was back in the day,” he continued. “So that would need addressing,” Patrick admitted. “But the way I was helped back then [with technology], certainly I could be helped again now. So it would be interesting for me.”
If you love dinosaur films, check out our list of the best monster movies.