It seems as though the Academy just cannot get it right when it comes to its decision-making process for the Oscars 2022. In ongoing attempts to chase audiences and regain some credibility and relevance, the awards body has angered movie fans with its latest plans to trim the awards ceremony by not showing all the awards categories during the live broadcast on the night.
Each year, there is the customary rumblings of discontent that arises from the nominations announcement, with movie fans unhappy their favourite may be snubbed. That’s to be expected. But this year, the Academy has attracted a lot of unwanted attention and ridicule with its idea to give an award to the fan favourite movie, an award which is currently heading to Prime Video misfit, Cinderella, if social media voting continues the way it is.
And now, for some reason, the people behind the Oscars have said that eight categories will be cut from the live broadcast, which takes place on March 27, 2022. The thought process here is, a shorter show will bring in more viewers. But this plan has backfired, with film fans angry that certain categories are being unfairly treated as lesser achievements.
The news follows the haphazard, last-minute dash from the Oscars to find suitable hosts for the show, which saw Amy Schumer, Wanda Sykes, and Regina Hall get the gig. These choices are fine, but why the producers of the show don’t plan these things way in advance and try to secure the big names, is a mystery.
Official letter from AMPAS President Dave Rubin on the announcement of the categories that won't be in the live broadcast: Film Editing, Makeup & Hairstyling, Original Score, Production Design, Animated/Doc/Live Action Short Film and Sound.#Oscars
— Erik Anderson (@awards_watch) February 22, 2022
In an official letter from AMPAS President Dave Rubin, it was revealed that “In order to provide more time and opportunity for audience entertainment and engagement through comedy, musical numbers, film clip packages, and movie tributes, a change in the show’s production will take place.”
The change means that the awards for Film Editing, Makeup and Hairstyling, Original Score, Production Design, Animated Short, Live-Action Short, Documentary Short, and Sound, will not be presented live during the awards show this year. They will instead be presented an hour before the live show actually starts, although the winners will still be announced on air.
NONE of these categories are being televised? You're giving in to short-term ratings panic and forgetting what The Oscars are all about.
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) February 23, 2022
Many avid film fans, and keen viewers of the Oscars ceremony have bemoaned the decision, and shared their sympathy for those who will be affected. Patton Oswalt took to social media to share his dismay at the decision, claiming the Academy is, “giving in to short-term ratings panic and forgetting what The Oscars are all about.”
Indeed, it hardly seems fair that the talented filmmakers who put so much effort into their craft, will now not get the same level of exposure and recognition as others in their field, simply due to a desperate decision to chase ratings.