Another series set in the same fictional world as acclaimed science fiction thriller series Orphan Black has been greenlit by AMC, for release in 2023. Called Orphan Black: Echoes, the show will follow new characters in the same universe, so it sounds like unfortunately Tatiana Maslany won’t be returning.
Maslany gave an extremely highly-acclaimed Emmy-winning performance, playing over 17 different characters in the series that ran from 2013-2017. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Echoes is set in the near future and will take “a deep dive into the exploration of the scientific manipulation of human existence,” per AMC’s description. The new series will follow a group of women who work their way into each other’s lives unravel the mystery of their identity and uncover a wrenching story of love and betrayal.
Showrunner Anna Fishko said; “I am thrilled to begin this new chapter in the world of Orphan Black. Creating a story that embraces the legacy of the original show has been so gratifying, and I’m excited for audiences to embark on a new journey that explores the big questions of what makes us who we are.”
While Tatiana Maslany may have left the crazy science of clones behind, she hasn’t escaped that world entirely, as she will soon be seen in Marvel’s She-Hulk on Disney Plus. The teaser featured Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk-Banner hybrid AKA Professor Hulk, explaining things to his cousin Jennifer (Maslany) while in some kind of high-tech laboratory setting.
Representatives of Boat Rocker Media said; “We started our journey down the Orphan Black rabbit hole when Sarah Manning watched Beth Childs inexplicably jump in front of an oncoming train. Since then, a passionate fandom has joined us for a wildly entertaining ride. We’re delighted to…boldly re-enter the Orphan Black universe. Once again, we welcome Clone Club along for the ride and look forward to adventuresome new fans taking the leap.”
While we wait for the return of Orphan Black, check out our guide to Russian Doll season 2.