Spider-Man star Tom Holland says that he and the rest of the cast treated No Way Home like “the end of the franchise”. In a recent interview with EW Holland, who plays the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s version of Peter Parker, explained that even if they did return, the “Homecoming trilogy” would be over, and the characters would evolve in new ways.
“We were all treating [No Way Home] as the end of a franchise, let’s say. I think if we were lucky enough to dive into these characters again, you’d be seeing a very different version. It would no longer be the Homecoming trilogy,” Holland explained. “We would give it some time and try to build something different and tonally change the films. Whether that happens or not, I don’t know. But we were definitely treating [No Way Home] like it was coming to an end, and it felt like it.”
Holland recently admitted that his Spider-Man contract is up once No Way Home swings into theatres, and while he’s keen to keep playing the Wallcrawler, he doesn’t know what the future holds for the character.
Spider-Man’s future in the MCU is currently up in the air. Unlike other characters in the shared universe, Marvel doesn’t have sole custody of the character. The big-screen rights actually belong to Sony Pictures, who’ve been building their own cinematic universe using Venom as a launching point.
Venom: Let There be Carnage certainly indicates that Sony would like to continue to build its relationship with Marvel Studios, but it’s possible the studio may see more potential in making its own Spider-Man films.
It wouldn’t be the first time that Sony and Marvel have fallen out. In 2019 negotiations between the two studios fell apart, and Spider-Man briefly left the MCU. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed, and Spider-Man was allowed to return to Marvel after negotiations were completed.
Spider-Man: No Way Home swings into theatres on December 17.